当前位置 首页 纪录片 《毒水环境种族主义》


类型:纪录  加拿大  2019 

主演:John Bates Dorene Bernard Stephen C 

导演:艾伦·佩吉 伊恩·丹尼尔 




Available on Netflix Friday, March 27 Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Oscar and Emmy award-nominated actor-director Ellen Page and co-director Ian Daniel engage in deeply personal and political dialogue with women at the forefront of some of Nova Scotia’s most urgent environmental crises. Based on the book of the same name by Ingrid Waldron, Theres Something in the Water explores the topic of environmental racism, poignantly shining a light on the Canadian government’s current and historical decisions to prioritize the profits of large corporations over the health of indigenous and black communities.

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